Oct Results
The Long Riders The Long Riders
Cowboy Action Shootin'
2025 - Membership Application

Why should you join Long Riders:

  1. Help the club pay expenses (insurance, paint, upkeep, etc.)
  2. Help the club buy new targets
  3. Help the club buy/build new props
  4. Support a GUN organization

The Long Riders Membership Application is here:

Long Riders - Membership Application

It helps when we have Long Riders as members of the host club, so please consider joining Shortsville too:

Shortsville Membership Application

If you join Shortsville OR The Long Riders, the monthly shoot fee is $10 and if you join BOTH it is $5.


Please fill out the application online and you will receive an email confirmation.  Send a hard-copy of the email along with your check  to the Paymaster (mailing address is in the email).

News from The Vile Bunch

Greetings ,


The October shoot was a BLAST and fun was had by all!  Nashoba Jones spiced up the old October stories, but the pumpkins and turkeys still did NOT have a prayer!


Speaking of turkeys, the winners were Jake Yoes, runner-up was Gator Dunn, and the "middle of the pack" was Heavy Bear - congratulations! 


If you have not already renewed or joined, please consider it!  It helps pay for props, maintenance, supplies, and insurance.  Please do your part and renew sign up today!  The rates increase in a couple of months for any stragglers!  See the prior newsletter section for details.


The 2025 event dates are NOT yet "set in stone" (we need to coordinate with Shortsville Rod & Gun Club), but are tentatively:


Tenative Date(s) Event Description
3/22 OR 3/29 Annual Meeting at Clubhouse (9AM-12PM).
4/27 Shoot
5/18 Shoot - week early to deconflict with PA State
6/22 Shoot
7/24, 25, 26, 27 3-Day setup day and Shoot
8/17 Shoot - week early to deconflict with Tioga Match
9/29 Shoot
10/26 Pumpkin & Turkey Shoot

Winter well and see you next year!


The Vile Bunch

Match Highlights
Clean Shooters
Jumping Jack Flash
Nashoba Jones
Top in Class
1T Nashoba Jones
2T Jumping Jack Flash
GF Fuller Beans
JW Gator Dunn
WBM Jake Yoes
WBT Nawlins Kid
YG Notorious Nacho
Monthly Scores

Match Results

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THANK YOU to our 2024 3-Day Sponsors. Please continue to support them and their products!


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